I am, as usual, miles behind the curve in featuring this artist. Robert ParkeHarrison was brought to my attention months ago by the beautiful people at Coilhouse. You can read Nadya Lev’s post here. I thought I would add my tuppence anyway. More pics after the jump…
ParkeHarrison’s photos are displayed in exhibitions worldwide for good reason. Their naive, nostalgic beauty gives them a universal appeal. The German word Sehnsucht describes an “inconsolable longing” in the human heart for “we know not what” and is often used in the context remote or imaginary lands. Sehnsucht goes some way to describing my reaction to the collection. The gritty connection between the characters, landscapes the weird machines is both a celebration and an indictment of human ingenuity.
My photographs tell stories of loss, human struggle, and personal exploration within landscapes scarred by technology and over-use…. [I] strive to metaphorically and poetically link laborious actions, idiosyncratic rituals and strangely crude machines into tales about our exhibition experience. Robert Parke Harrison
You can see more images on the website for the travelling exhibition The Architect’s Brother.